This morning as I was working on a new song, I had the familiar urge to quit. It came at the usual point: after the initial excitement had waned, but before I could tell the song would be successfully completed.
It's always the middle period that's hard. Much like the middle of the day, too, I the clock says 2:56 and I'm tempted to stop writing now and go have a nap. Not to mention the middle of life, the middle of wonder middles lead to crises.
Anyway, in this particular middle, I almost gave up on the song altogether. The song just didn't seem worth the effort. I saw it as unnecessarily complicated, challenging and serious. Oh, and the melody was terrible. These seemed to be perfectly valid concerns. Facts, even! So...
I ignored them and kept writing anyway.
There's a part of me that mistrusts the middle. It imagines that the creative process should be inspiration followed immediately by satisfaction. All magic, all joy, all the time! I avoid the middle at the beginning ("This song idea is brilliant! It will write itself!) , the middle ("This is too difficult. The song must be bad") and the end ("It was fun and easy to write such a great song!").
This time, I kept working during the middle, even though I wasn't enjoying myself and I didn't believe I was necessarily doing anything of value. I simply showed up and stayed put. To my surprise, only a few minutes later I saw that the song was nearly finished...and it was good!
It was good in the middle too. It was just not yet what I wanted it to become. It was still unformed...somewhat the middle.
(Side note: did J.K. Rowling pull that brilliant name for humans, 'Muggles', out of a hat or what?!)
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