Thursday, June 09, 2005

Next Stop: This Stop

As I was riding on the westbound train, the conductor brightly announced the next station along the line.

"Next stop, Spadina Station! Spadina!"

I glanced up from my book, enjoying the ride and happy to have someone else tell me where I was going.

The train rolled on and I continued to read. As predicted, we pulled into Spadina station. The happy voice came on the loudspeaker again.

"Next stop, Spadina Station. Spadina!"

I looked up and almost said to the car in general, "No it's not! The next stop is Bathurst!"

Then I caught myself, laughing at how important it was for me to point out that we are headed someplace, we are!

It was funny, how outraged I was, when a happy voice overhead told me that I could look forward to arriving at the place I'm in right now.

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