Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Still Wondering at Spadina

I haven't abandoned the subway entirely. I'm still getting out at least once a week, but sometimes I don't get around to writing about it. Last Friday, I went to two different stations, Spadina and Queen's Park.

At Spadina, a man came along and contributed to our conversation about "What kind of music do you play?".

He didn't ask that question exactly. What he actually asked was "What kind of music IS THAT?"

He obviously really liked my songs, and I realized (but too late to be truly helpful) that he was asking the question so he could find more of this kind of music in the future.

The right answer for his question might have been simply "folk", because there IS a folk section of the record store and that's where my CDs usually are. When they're at record stores, that is. Which they rarely are.

Maybe he'd find other people whose music is similar to mine in the "Folk" section. Then again, he might find better songwriters in the "Rock" or "Country" section. It's really about the artist and the song, not the category.

As it turned out, the song I happened to be playing, which he liked, would probably be filed under "Jazz".

It wouldn't have been very polite to say "I don't know what you'd call it, but it's only available right here in this vestibule on this $20 CD which you'll never see again!" If I'd been a bit more on top of my game, I'd have pointed him to my website.

Isn't there a Patron Saint of Missed Opportunities?

Anyway, Mr. Very Nice Man at Spadina, I'm sorry I was vague. Thanks for asking.


Note to self: I'm going to take my camera out next time. Promise. Speaking of cameras, a couple of tourists on their way back to Amsterdam took my picture in Spadina on Friday, on their way to the airport. It would be fun to busk in Amsterdam.

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