Sunday, June 24, 2007

More on Chords


I think there's a longing to be part of a "chord"...a family or community...and that we naturally move toward that unity, even as we proudly define our separateness.

The deep satisfaction that comes from resonating with others, of creating a more powerful and resounding expression of life, is what keeps us returning to our relationships and adjusting ourselves.

We slip out of tune, but it's others that remind us that we're "out". And when we're aligned with others, we may notice that someone else has wandered off a little.

At those times, maybe we need to sound our note more clearly, so that others can hear us and use us to help them re-tune.


lynnharrison said...

Good stuff!

Lynn Harrison said...

Thanks Lynn!

For curious readers, I should explain. Another Lynn Harrison, in the UK, found me online and we have been keeping in touch. She is an artist as well. Isn't the Internet grand?


The Whiners Weblog said...

Haven't checked in in a while. I love your writing here ... such a fine analogy to life and music. Maybe music is life ... after all we all start with a heart "beat"
