Sunday, December 12, 2004


I spent a few hours Sunday afternoon at the Bay-Yorkville subway station.

Bay is located in the heart of a very high-end shopping corridor. Without going above ground, you can walk from the subway train to Holt Renfrew, William Ashley and many other very expensive stores. I have never shopped there. Okay, I’ve been to the nearby Chapters, but that’s it.

On Sunday afternoon, I spotted several people who could obviously afford to shop at Holt’s and Ashley’s. Some of them stopped and donated a few dollars, which was much appreciated. But of course many did not and I today found that annoying.

I knew I was being ridiculous. Nobody has an obligation to give me money, even if they are toting shopping bags imprinted with names like Gucci and Chanel. It’s completely their choice whether to donate or not.

I know that.

But I prefer being ignored by people who aren't quite so well-dressed.


At one point, a rough-looking man came weaving into the station, clearly drunk. Like the aggressive drunk I met at Queen’s Park, he started singing (sort of) in response to my music. When I saw him I was immediately wary and looked away so as to not encourage him. To my relief, he ambled past me down the corridor.

A few minutes later, he returned, proudly holding up a quarter and a nickel which he then dropped into my case.

I suddenly understood. He had just gone up to the street and begged for it.

Sometimes I think certain dollars just go round and round, especially the ones passed along by buskers and other members of the street community.

Today, when I arrived at my location, a flamenco guitar player was there. (He was really good and had a man watching him…making me briefly consider actually going home.) He said he'd finish up in about fifteen minutes, which was fine, so I gave him a dollar and went for coffee.

Later, when I was playing, another musician came by (maybe TTC, maybe not) and gave me a dollar.

When I went home, I gave a dollar to the man who begs at the Beer Store near my house.

I like the idea of these dollars passing from hand to hand.

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